Workplace Investigations

QRisk Investigations | HR & Investigative Expertise

QRisk Investigations | HR & Investigative Expertise

Workplace investigations that require accountability and culpability require a mix of HR and investigative expertise.
— Paul Walsh

Are you concerned, that a workplace situation requires a detailed level of investigation that is outside the capability or capacity of your HR people. If so pause and consider the balance of expertise that you require.

Workplace investigations that require balance

Workplace investigations require balance, sensitivity and investigative expertise

If you think a situation has occurred in the workplace that has a level of criminal offending then please proceed with caution and balance.

Of course, the offending needs to be addressed and the truth of the offending needs to be revealed, but also of importance is understanding the effect an investigation will have on workplace culture post the investigation.

It is well documented that workplace culture is of critical importance to the succesful existence of any organisation, so don’t underestimate the importance of approaching this cultural impact with sensitivity and balance. Your communication and transparency where appropriate will be key.

Three important aspects of your investigation that you will need to balance;

  1. Culture - The old adage that culture eats strategy for breakfast means that in the space of an internal investigation, make sure your leadership connects with your people - Investigations when they happen, should not be feared, but they will be if you don’t address the cultural impact on your people

  2. HR Compliance - You may have solved the case, but it won’t stack up in any proceeding if you haven’t been compliant with respect to your HR policies and employment law.

  3. Investigation ATD - Attention to detail. Have a clear investigation plan - understand what it is you are investigating and what the ingredients of that allegation and offence are. Having a detailed investigation plan, that is focussed with clarity of purpose will avoid going down expensive and time consuming rabbit holes.

QRisk Workplace Investigations

QRisk Investigations - Here to support you or do it for you - your call

QRisk Investigations is the unique position of having the subject matter expertise and experience in corporate investigations that address the three pillars being, Investigative experience, HR knowledge and organisational cultural development.

We understand that all organisations have different levels of expertise in this space. Depending on this capability and capacity and depending on the investigative situation, QRisk is in a position to work along side you and mentor and support your internal workplace investigation, or we can simply come in and take a more direct role and do the complete end to end investigation for you. Either way, you’re in control.

QRisk Private Investigation Expertise

QRisk Investigations are licensed by the ministry of justice to carry out private and workplace investigations. Whilst that’s important from a compliance point of view, our real value add is our experience and expertise across HR, organisation culture and investigative experience which has its foundation from the NZ Police.

Regardless of the situation at hand inside your organisation, a first step to take is to contact us for a no obligation initial consultation.

Contact us directly - QRisk New Zealand Private Investigation expertise.

QRisk workplace investigations for;

  • Internal theft or fraud

  • Bullying

  • Threats against staff from internal or external persons

  • Allegations of assault or intimidation


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